How about serving up a mouthwatering plate of pasta, or making an amazing burger? I want to make dumplings at home, but I’m tired of just mixing the stuffing. Faced with all kinds of fruits and vegetables, how should I match them properly to present the most delicious taste? Without a large oven, is it possible to bake a fluffy soufflé cheese? So, is it an impossible Nanke dream to make Chinese and Western dishes of different flavors for the family in the kitchen at home? In fact, even chefs with top-quality ingredients and rich experience who return to their own kitchens, which are not as professionally equipped as restaurants, will face the distress of "even though they want to do good things, but they don't have the right tools" .
E8A5022_R Photo Credit: TNL Brand Studio Mr. Liang Gangming, the second-generation owner of 123 Dumplings Playing out Q sticky stuffing is everything! The secrets of the old dumpling shop Mr. Liang Gangming, the second-generation owner of the old store "123 Dumplings" in Shidong Market, has helped his father Liang Wenshu to sell various dumplings since wedding photo retouching services he was in middle school. He talks about dumplings endlessly. But when asked how ordinary people can make perfect dumplings at home, he couldn't help but look embarrassed. "Most people can only mix stuffing by hand at home. But people's strength, speed and durability are limited, and the stuffing that is mixed is not so good in consistency and uniformity."
Delicious dumplings, in addition to making carefully and using large materials, the key is the handling of the filling. Of course, the saltiness is moderate, but the most important thing is to mix the filling to make it gluten and sticky. When the good stuffing is wrapped in the dumpling skin, it is sticky and sticky, and when it is cooked, it is straight and plump; when you bite into it, the skin filling is perfectly blended, even and juicy, and it does not need to be paired with any sauce. importance. But to be able to play muscle and stick at home, you need the right tools. _E8A4891_R Photo Credit: TNL Brand Studio Liang Gangming, the second-generation owner of 123 Dumplings, made "leek and pork dumplings", using the whipping function of magimix to whip the flesh out of tendons, and using the mincing function to quickly cut out diced leeks. After trying the magimix food processor to make key fil