Three-stage competitive analysis, so you are no longer a product porter Zheng Duoduo Follow the author 2022-01-29 0 comments 4333 views 7 job function email list Favorites 8 minutes Don't have your own share of promotion and salary increase? Don't panic! job function email list Starting Class VIP helps you improve your workplace skills! Now "Buy 1 year get 1 year free!" Immediate stamp >>
Release your eyes, put on your job function email list headphones, and listen~! 00:00 00:00 Editor's introduction: At what stage should competitive analysis exist? If you only conduct competitive product analysis in the product project or product design stage, your product may not job function email list be able to take into account market demand and user needs. Such competitive
product analysis is relatively ineffective. In this article, job function email list the author expounds his views on which stages of competitive analysis should be used. Let's job function email list take a look. Competitive product analysis is a compulsory course for every product manager. Someone asked me before, when is it more appropriate to analyze competing products when making a product?