This can be said to be a problem before you can or cannot work, but it is also related to internal morals and the motivation of other employees, so please consider switching. Should Disabled Temporary Workers Be Cut? Should Disabled Temporary Workers Be Cut? Regardless if you can see signs of improvement to the extent that you can't work a little, if not, replacement should be an option. In the first place, the dispatch contract concluded between the dispatching company and the dispatching company should include "the obligation of the dispatching company to provide human resources who can perform the work". If this is not met, the dispatched company cannot fulfill the contract contents it is a breach of contract, and the dispatched company can request replacement of the personnel.
However if the work and necessary abilities specified in the contract lack specificity, it may be difficult to judge the degree of fulfillment of obligations, making it difficult to replace. In addition, it can be said that re-dispatching is difficult for the following reasons. The results requested by the dispatched mobile number list company are too high . In any case, the focus is whether there is a valid reason for the replacement. If you are unable to fulfill the terms of the contract and are having trouble with your work, please consult with your dispatch agency. What to do when temporary workers cannot be used From here, I will explain how to deal with temporary workers when they feel that they can not be used.
Rethinking training content for temporary workers The first is to reconsider .Dispatch is based on the premise of being ready to work, but there is no one who can do the job quickly from the beginning. Some education is required. Perhaps, because the content of this education is not good enough, the abilities of temporary workers may not be improving. Consider regularly checking the performance of the temporary staff and re-instructing them in areas where they are lacking. Check your work environment Second, check your work environment. Whether there is power harassment toward employees Whether there is a tendency to look down on temporary workers Whether there is an atmosphere that makes it difficult to consult.