Neuromarketing , a discipline that applies neuroscience in the field of marketing to try to unravel how the consumer's brain works and what areas should be activated to encourage them to buy. So today i want to present you 5 neuromarketing tactics to sneak into the mind of your ideal client. 5 neuromarketing tactics for marketers the 5 neuromarketing tactics to analyze the mind of your client 1) eye tracking: see through your eyes as its name suggests, eye tracking or "eye-tracking" consists of following the movement patterns of the eyes of the participants in a study.
In other words, it is a tool that allows you to see your brand through the eyes of your potential customers, not only in the laboratory but also in real purchase scenarios. Since modern eye-tracking devices are so lightweight and portable, study E Commerce Photo Editing Service participants can wear them while visiting a store or watching a television show. Thus, brands can obtain answers to many questions : how much attention do consumers pay to promotional items near the entrance? Do customers really read the signs, or do they just run their eyes over them without pausing? What are their attention patterns like when they are trying to choose a product on a shelf? Do viewers pay attention to product placement?
As you can see, eye tracking opens up a whole world of possibilities unimaginable for conventional marketing studies. 2) electroencephalograms and functional magnetic resonance imaging: a journey inside the brain thanks to neuromarketing tactics, we can still go one step further. We can not only know what people see, but also have clues about what they are thinking. How? Thanks to specialized devices for reading the electrical activity of the brain , such as functional magnetic resonance imaging and electroencephalograms. In this way, marketers can precisely know the tastes of consumers: