It is a long-standing phenomenon, with advances and setbacks here only outlined, but which was firmly established towards the end of the last century. This process resulted in the impressive growth of technology companies based on mobile phone number list internet marketing, a phenomenon that in the midst of the empire of financial capital quickly translated into a boomspeculative. The bubble finally burst in 2000, with the nasdaq mobile phone number list stock index crashing , in what was also known as the “dot com crash”.
With the new century, and with the mobile phone number list infrastructure of a digitized world already available, investment in artificial intelligence mechanisms deepens and sets the general trend in the technology sector. Behind it, a new business model is sheltered, which is no longer based on the commercialization of the Internet, but mobile phone number list instead bets on the universalization of the Internet as a means of access to information for civil society.
The new pattern points from now on mobile phone number list to the constant extraction and processing of data (personal, business, institutional). And it is no longer sustained –or not only– on a desktop computer, but on a growing presence of technology as a way of recording as much data as possible.